Minor Revisions to Bylaws of the University of Oregon Senate

Date of Notice:
Current Status:


Becky Girvan (Senate Rules Committee, Office of Student Life); Gina Biancarosa (Senate Rules Committee, College of Education); Mohsen Manesh (Senate Rules Committee, School of Law)


Section I

1.1 WHEREAS the Senate President charged the Senate Rules Committee with reviewing the Bylaws of the University of Oregon Senate (the “Bylaws”) and proposing Bylaw amendments

1.1.1 fixing typographical and grammatical errors,

1.1.2 correcting inaccuracies,

1.1.3 modernizing the Bylaws and making them consistent with current practice, and

1.1.4 recommending clarified and more efficient language where useful or appropriate.

Section II

2.1 THEREFORE BE IT MOVED that the University Senate elects to amend the Bylaws in accordance with the attached mark up to reflect the following changes:

2.1.1 Throughout the Bylaws, use gender neutral pronouns by revising gendered pronoun references where they occur (e.g., she/he revised to they, emeriti revised to emerit).

2.1.2 Throughout the Bylaws, use a consistent spelling of “bylaws”, replacing “by-laws” where it occurs.

2.1.3 Throughout the Bylaws, consistently capitalize all occurrences of the words Senator and Senators.

2.1.4 Throughout the Bylaws, fix erroneous references to sections of the University of Oregon Constitution (the “Constitution”) where they occur, specifically: In Bylaws Section 1.2, Sections 1.1 - 1.4 of the Constitution shall now read Sections 1.1 - 1.5. In Bylaws Section 3.1, Constitution Section 8.1 shall now read Section 8. In Bylaws Section 3.4, Constitution Section 8.1.2 shall now read Section 8.2. In Bylaws Section 3.4.1, Constitution Section 8.1.3 shall now read Section 8.3. In Bylaws Section 3.5.1, Constitution Section 8.1.1 shall now read Section 8.1. In Bylaws Section 3.6, Constitution Section 8.1.4 shall now read Section 8.4. In Bylaws Section 3.8, Constitution Sections 7.3 and 7.4, respectively, shall now read Section 7.2. In Bylaws Section 3.9, Constitution Section 7.4 shall now read Section 7.2. In Bylaws Section 5.5, Constitution Section 2.2 shall now read Section 2.3. In Bylaws Sections 6.1, Constitution Section 8.1.5 shall now read Section 8.5. In Bylaws Sections 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5, respectively, remove all references to Constitution Section 8.1.5.x, as no such sections exist in the Constitution.

2.1.5 In Bylaws Sections 2.4.4 and 3.5.1, revise the title “Executive Coordinator of the Statutory Faculty” where it occurs to read “Executive Coordinator of the University Senate (acting in this capacity as Statutory Faculty Executive Coordinator's designee)” to accurately reflect the actual title of this position.

2.1.6 In Bylaws Section 1.1, remove reference to the 1876 charter and statutes to accurately reflect that University Senates are no longer in the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) and that the present authority of the University Senate comes from the Constitution. Also in this section, revise the reference to the University of Oregon Constitution to reflect that the most recent version was adopted “7 December 2011 by the Faculty Assembly and approved by University President Richard Lariviere on 15 December 2011.”

2.1.7 In Bylaws Section 2.2, change “exceptions” to “exception” to fix grammatical error in the number of the noun.

2.1.8 In Bylaws Section 2.4.2, remove the bullet-point list of voting units because these voting units are already specified by and therefore redundant of the Constitution.

2.1.9 In Bylaws Section 3.3.3, change “State of the University” to “UO President’s Remarks” to eliminate confusion with the UO President’s annual State of the University Address.

2.1.10 In Bylaws Section 3.4, revise the last sentence to match the language in the Constitution by reading “the Senate President shall be allowed to close the meeting to all non-Senators" instead of “shall close”.

2.1.11 [Reserved.]

2.1.12 In Bylaws Section 3.6, add to its end the sentence “For purposes of determining quorum, substitute Senators shall be counted.” to reflect current practice.

2.1.13 In Bylaws Section 5.2, change “negotiations” to “negotiate”.

2.1.14 In Bylaws Section 8.1, change “all 7 OUS institutions” to “the public universities in Oregon, as defined by ORS Chapter 352”.

2.1.15 In Bylaws Section 8.1, delete (i) the sentence “The Statutory Faculty member will be elected no later than June 1, 2015” and (ii) the word “future” from the following sentence.

Motion History

  • Notice Given

  • Approved