
The University of Oregon has a wealth of exemplary individuals who contribute to the success of our university. The Senate recognizes a few of them each year for their leadership and service through four major Senate Awards. These awards allow the Senate to highlight our shared values and those characteristics that enhance the experience of students, staff, and faculty.

Deadline for 2024-25 award nominations: Friday, April 11, 2025. All members of the campus community are able to nominate any eligible faculty member, classified staff person, or officer of administration for these awards. These awards will be presented at a formal ceremony at the June Senate meeting.

Be sure to include: Nominee’s name, department/unit, and work phone number; their supervisor’s name and work phone number; your name, department, email address, and work phone number.

Please submit in Word or PDF format.

Nominations must be sent to:

2024 Award Recipients

UO Senate Award for Shared Governance, Transparency & Trust:
Krista Chronister, Division of Graduate Studies
Alicia Salaz, University Libraries

Classified Staff Leadership Award:
Tina Haynes, Career Center

Wayne T. Westling Award:
Jagdeep Bala, Psychology

Leadership and Service Award for Officers of Administration:
Rosa Chavez Jacuinde, Division of Equity & Inclusion


award name Purpose Eligible Selection Criteria Process
UO Senate Award for Shared Governance, Transparency, and Trust Award is given to the person who has best exemplified the principles of shared governance, transparency, and trust during the past year. Established in 2015. Any administrator or other member of the UO community. Recommended by Senate Executive Committee; selected by members of the University Senate. This award will be presented to the individual who has best exemplified the values of trust, transparency, and shared governance in the past year. Describe the specific actions or activities of the nominee that demonstrate their commitment to the values listed above. Describe in detail why you believe the nominee deserves this award.
Wayne T. Westling Award Named in honor of Wayne T. Westling, Professor of Law at the University of Oregon from 1979-2001. He was recognized across campus for his unswerving and selfless commitment to faculty governance. Award is given for outstanding and long-term leadership and service to the university. Established in 2001. Any faculty or staff member. Recommended by the Committee on Committees; selected by members of the University Senate.
  1. Exemplary service over a period of years to the university through participation in university committees, advisory bodies, or faculty elective positions, and
  2. Inspired leadership and commitment to the principles of shared governance, participatory decision-making, and fostering a campus climate of inclusiveness and respect.
Nominations should include a statement that details the nominee’s leadership and service contributions to the university community. Please include a resume or curriculum vitae for the nominee, if appropriate. Additional letters of support for the nominee are welcome.
Classified Staff Leadership Award Recognize an individual who is a leader in one or more of these areas – personal and professional development, a respectful work environment, or diversity. Must be a “change agent” who has made “a difference through their actions and through collaborative relationships.” Established in 2011. All classified employees. By the current and previous classified staff senators employed at the university.

Award nominees should be leaders in one or more of the following categories:

Personal and Professional Development: Demonstrates leadership that promotes personal and professional development for Classified Staff in all areas of education, culture, and international awareness, as well as, fosters respect and understanding of the value of lifelong learning and inquiry in the development of all faculty, staff, and students.

A Respectful Work Environment: Demonstrates leadership, and the wise exercise of civic responsibilities in building a collaborative relationship between management, faculty, staff and students; an individual whose actions in cultivating and building respect and recognition make a difference toward a supportive and respectful workplace environment.

Diversity: Demonstrates leadership that embraces and respects the differences in each of us; a change agent whose actions demonstrate the commitment to make a difference and impact the lives of others, is true to the principles of equality of opportunity and freedom from unfair discrimination, and is committed to an open system of accountability and transparency in University operations.

Describe the specific actions or activities of the nominee that demonstrate their leadership in one or more of the categories above. Explain in detail why you believe the nominee is deserving of recognition.
Leadership and Service Award for Officers of Administration Recognize exemplary service over a period of years and outstanding leadership. Must be committed to shared governance and participatory decision making and must foster inclusiveness, respect, and professional excellence. Established 2011. All Officers of Administration. By the current Officers of Administration senators.

Nominations will be evaluated by the OA Award Committee based on the following:

  1. Exemplary service over a period of years to the university through participation in committees, advisory bodies, or elected positions, and
  2. Inspired leadership and commitment to the principles of shared governance, participatory decision making, and fostering a campus climate of inclusiveness, respect, and professional excellence.
Describe in detail why you believe the nominee is deserving of recognition.
Lyllye Reynolds-Parker Award Recognize individuals who, like Reynolds-Parker, exemplify exceptional mentorship by creating a supportive, inclusive environment and encouraging students to reach their fullest potential. Celebrate mentors who connect deeply with students, understand their unique paths and challenges, and offer guidance that has a lasting impact on their personal and academic journeys.  Professional Staff and Graduate Employees Committee made up of five members, including: Director of Multicultural and Identity-based Support Services (will chair the committee) and the Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence. 
  1. Demonstrate a deep understanding of the complexities and layers that shape student identities and experiences, recognizing the full, nuanced stories that students bring to the university community.
  2. Demonstrate support that values students' quiet strengths, especially those who may feel underrepresented or less likely to experience a sense of belonging.
  3. Invests time authentically with students, fostering genuine joy and shared purpose by providing sustained support and reinforcing their sense of being seen, valued, and capable of achieving their goals.
  4. Actively works to cultivate spaces where students feel a sense of belonging, empowerment, and capacity to flourish. 
Nominations should include a statement of up to 750 words detailing how the nominee embodies the award criteria, with specific examples of actions or activities reflecting the legacy of Lyllye Reynolds-Parker.