Academic Requirements Committee

Our Charge and Responsibilities

The Academic Requirements Committee shall be responsible for the administration and interpretation of academic requirements for baccalaureate degrees, and for action on student petitions for exceptions to these requirements and other academic regulations It shall have no jurisdiction over regulations governing graduate degrees or requirements for individual majors of minors. The committee's largest task shall be to evaluate and rule on student petitions. The committee shall also gather data and observe the effects of academic regulations, and present its findings and recommendations to the faculty. The committee shall delegate to the University Registrar, the administration of many routine phases of the University's academic regulations in accordance with policies set by the committee.

Contact Us

Committee Type: Standing
Committee Category: Academic and Research
Selection Process: Appointed
Time Commitment: 20-40 hours per year


Academic Year 2024-2025

Seat: Voting Member
Term: -
Teaching Faculty, broadly represented
English Department

Seat: Voting Member
Term: -
Teaching Faculty, broadly represented
Lundquist College of Business

Seat: Voting Member
Term: -
Teaching Faculty, broadly represented

Quick Facts on Committee Service

Academic Requirements Committee

Leadership Structure

a) Chair: elected from the faculty committee membership

b) Convener: University Registrar

c) Staff: Graduation Specialist, Office of the Registrar


Election Schedule for Chair: The committee [council] shall elect a chair(s) from among its voting members at the first possible meeting of a new majority, usually at the first meeting of fall term. In situations where the chair from the prior year is still a member of the committee, that person remains the chair until a new chair is elected.

Membership Requirements

General Membership

  • 5 teaching faculty, broadly represented
  • 3 undergraduate students (junior or senior standing preferred)

Ex-Officio, voting members

  • Director of Academic Advising or designee
  • Director of the Teaching Engagement Program or designee
  • Director of Financial Aid or designee

Ex-Officio, non-voting members

  • University Registrar or designee

Terms and Workload

Length of Term

  • Non-Students (faculty, OA's, OR's, Classified): 2 years, staggered
  • Students: 1 year
  • Ex Officio: indefinite

Term Limits


Workload Designation

  • For the Chair: [Tier 2] approximately 30 hours per year. The chair (or designee) is an ex officio, voting member of the Academic Council [Tier 3].
  • For Committee members: [Tier 2] approximately 30 hours per year.