Committee on Oversight and Shared Governance

Our Charge and Responsibilities

The Committee on Oversight and Shared Governance is charged with the oversight of the committee structure within the system of shared governance. Its work is focused primarily on three areas.

  • Appointing committee membership. The Committee on Oversight and Shared Governance (OG) shall designate the faculty and officer of administration membership of all appointed University Standing Committees established by Senate legislation. It may also, when appropriate, nominate the faculty to Administrative Advisory Groups and Externally-Mandated Boards.
  • Maintaining committee operating processes. The OG shall create and maintain operating processes for each University Standing Committee and, where appropriate, Administrative Advisory Groups and Externally-Mandated Boards. It shall conduct an annual orientation for all committee chairs of University Standing Committees, and where appropriate, Administrative Advisory Groups and Externally-Mandated Boards.
  • Coordinating committees. The OG shall ensure that each University Standing Committee and, where appropriate, Administrative Advisory Boards and Externally-Mandated Boards, are meeting appropriately, fulfilling their charges, and reporting as required. It shall designate a Coordinator for each of the following committee categories: Academic & Research, Administrative, Awards, Governance, Grievances and Appeals, Student Matters, and Other. Each Coordinator shall ensure that committees within his/her category:
    1. have a full roster of members;
    2. elect chairs as specified in committee descriptions
    3. hold meetings as appropriate;
    4. report to the Senate in a timely fashion.

Each Coordinator shall submit an annual report on these matters to the University Senate by November 1, and for purposes of the Senate Vice President's annual review of committees, each shall maintain records of committee matters needing attention. The Senate Vice President is responsible for ensuring that the Committee on Oversight and Shared Governance is fulfilling its charge in these three areas and that the committee system is functioning well. Using records maintained by the Coordinators, he or she will conduct an annual review of committees and the committee system during the fall term.

Contact Us

Committee Type: Internal
Committee Category: Administrative
Selection Process: Appointed
Time Commitment: 20-40 hours per year


Academic Year 2024-2025

Seat: Chair , Voting Member
Term: -
Ex Officio

Seat: Voting Member
Term: -
Statutory Faculty
Lundquist College of Business

Seat: Voting Member
Term: -
Statutory Faculty

Quick Facts on Committee Service

Committee on Oversight and Shared Governance

Leadership Structure

  • Chair: Senate Vice President
  • Staff: Senate Executive Coordinator

Election Schedule for Chair: N/A

Membership Requirements

General Membership

  • 10-12 members from the Senate constituencies, with a majority coming from Statutory Faculty

To facilitate its work, the Committee membership should represent the broadest possible cross-section of campus academic units including CAS and the professional schools. The Senate Vice President is the chair of the Committee on Committees.

Ex-Officio, voting members

  • Senate Vice President

Ex-Officio, non-voting members

  • Senate Executive Coordinator

Terms and Workload

Length of Term

a) Non-Students: 2 years, staggered

b) Students: N/A

c) Ex Officio: N/A

Term Limits

a) For the Chair: N/A

b) For Committee members: N/A

c) Ex Officio: None

Workload Designation

a) For the Chair: [Tier 1] approximately 40 hours/year

b) For Committee members: [Tier 2] approximately 30 hours/year