Leadership Structure
- Chair: Elected
- Convener: Office of the Provost Ex-Officio member
- Staff: Office of the Provost
Election Schedule of Chair: The committee [council] shall elect a chair(s) from among its voting members at the first possible meeting of a new majority, usually at the first meeting of fall term. In situations where the chair from the prior year is still a member of the committee, that person remains the chair until a new chair is elected.
Membership Requirements
General Membership
Faculty members must include at least: 1 career instructional faculty, 1 tenured professor, 1 Senator
- 1 faculty from CAS Humanities
- 1 faculty from CAS Natural Sciences
- 1 faculty from CAS Social Sciences
- 1 faculty from College of Business
- 1 faculty from College of Education
- 1 faculty from Law School
- 1 faculty from School of Music & Dance
- 1 faculty from School of Journalism & Communication
- 1 faculty from College of Design
- 1 Graduate Student, appointed in consultation with the GSA and the GTFF
- 1 Undergraduate Student, appointed in consultation with the ASUO
Ex-Officio, voting members
- Representative from the Office of the Provost
- Representative from the Office of the Registrar
- Representative from the Teaching Engagement Program
Ex-Officio, non-voting members
Terms and Workload
Length of Term
- Non-students (faculty, OA's, OR's, Classified): 2 years, staggered
- Students: 1 year
- Ex Officio: indeterminate
Term Limits
- For the Chair: none
- For committee members: none
- Ex Officio: none
Workload Designation
- For the Chair: 40 - 60 hours/year (Tier 1)
- For committee members: 40 - 60 hours/year (Tier 1)