Continuous Improvement and Evaluation of Teaching Committee

Our Charge and Responsibilities

The committee collects feedback on the Continuous Improvement and Evaluation of Teaching System (CIETS), makes minor changes to the instruments, and advises the Senate on significant changes as needed. Any proposals for Senate action during an academic year should be proposed in writing no later than the beginning of Spring Term.

Contact Us

Committee Type: Standing
Committee Category: Academic and Research
Selection Process: Appointed
Time Commitment: 40-60 hours per year


Academic Year 2024-2025

Seat: Voting Member
Term: -
CAS - Humanities
English Department

Seat: Voting Member
Term: -
CAS - Social Sciences
Political Science

Seat: Voting Member
Term: -
CAS - Natural Sciences
Chemistry and Biochemistry

Quick Facts on Committee Service

Annual Committee appointment process for the 2021-2022 academic year is currently in process.

Please check back for updated membership.

Continuous Improvement and Evaluation of Teaching Committee

Leadership Structure

  • Chair: Elected
  • Convener: Office of the Provost Ex-Officio member
  • Staff: Office of the Provost

Election Schedule of Chair: Annually at the first meeting.

Membership Requirements

General Membership

Faculty members must include at least: 1 career instructional faculty, 1 tenured professor, 1 Senator

  • 1 faculty from CAS Humanities
  • 1 faculty from CAS Natural Sciences
  • 1 faculty from CAS Social Sciences
  • 1 faculty from College of Business
  • 1 faculty from College of Education
  • 1 faculty from Law School
  • 1 faculty from School of Music & Dance
  • 1 faculty from School of Journalism & Communication
  • 1 faculty from College of Design
  • 1 Graduate Student, appointed in consultation with the GSA and the GTFF
  • 1 Undergraduate Student, appointed in consultation with the ASUO

Ex-Officio, voting members

  • Representative from the Office of the Provost
  • Representative from the Office of the Registrar
  • Representative from the Teaching Engagement Program

Ex-Officio, non-voting members


Terms and Workload

Length of Term

  • Non-students (faculty, OA's, OR's, Classified): 2 years, staggered
  • Students: 1 year
  • Ex Officio: indeterminate

Term Limits

  • For the Chair: none
  • For committee members: none
  • Ex Officio: none

Workload Designation

  • For the Chair: 40 - 60 hours/year (Tier 1)
  • For committee members: 40 - 60 hours/year (Tier 1)