Scholastic Review Committee

Our Charge and Responsibilities

The Scholastic Review Committee (SRC) is responsible for administering, within the framework of faculty legislation, the undergraduate academic standards of the University as they pertain to the level of academic performance and progress toward a degree. The SRC reviews the records of undergraduate students doing unsatisfactory work, places such students on probation and sets individual goals for improvement, disqualifies students from attending the University for continued unsatisfactory scholarship, and reviews petitions for reinstatement. These responsibilities are carried out in two ways:

  1. End of Term Review - in which the committee reviews the academic records of undergraduate students who have been disqualified based on academic performance;
  2. Petition Review: in which the committee acts upon petitions submitted by students for reinstatement, cancellation of academic probation or disqualification, retroactive withdrawal, retroactive change in grading option, or contested grade. Graduate students and law school students are excluded from committee review for academic warning, academic probation, and academic disqualification. The SRC differs from the Academic Requirements Committee in that the SRC normally only looks at changes in the student record once the academic term in question is completed.

Note: Students who want more information about the petitions available and requirements should make an appointment with the Office of Academic Advising: 

Contact Us

Committee Type: Standing
Committee Category: Academic and Research
Selection Process: Appointed
Time Commitment: 20-40 hours per year


Academic Year 2024-2025

Seat: Voting Member
Term: -
Teaching Faculty, broadly represented

Seat: Voting Member
Term: -
Teaching Faculty, broadly represented
Creative Writing Program

Quick Facts on Committee Service

Scholastic Review Committee

Leadership Structure

  • Chair: elected from the committee (faculty) membership
  • Convener: University Registrar or their designee
  • Staff: Advisors from the Office of Academic Advising

Election Schedule for the Chair: The committee [council] shall elect a chair(s) from among its voting members at the first possible meeting of a new majority, usually at the first meeting of fall term. In situations where the chair from the prior year is still a member of the committee, that person remains the chair until a new chair is elected.

Membership Requirements

General Membership

[Not fixed, except for the 4 student members]

  • 7 - 9 teaching faculty, broadly represented
  • 4 students


Ex-Officio, voting members

  • Director or Counseling & Testing Center or designee
  • Director of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships or designee
  • Director of Services for Student Athletes or designee
  • Director of Teaching Engagement Program or designee
  • Representative from the Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence
  • Representative from the Office of International Affairs
  • 2 representatives from the Office of Academic Advising

Ex-Officio, non-voting members

  • University Registrar

Terms and Workload

Length of Term

  • Non-Students: 2 years, staggered
  • Students: 1 year
  • Ex Officio: indefinite

Term Limits

  • None

Workload Designation

  • For the Chair: 20 - 40 hours/year (Tier 2). The chair (or designee) is an Ex Officio, Voting member of the Academic Council (Tier 3: 0 - 20 hours/year).
  • For committee members: 20 - 40 hours/year (Tier 2)