Study Abroad Programs Committee

Our Charge and Responsibilities

The Study Abroad Programs Committee (SAPC) shall:

  1. Regularly review and approve study abroad programs that have run more than once based on program information assembled by the GEO staff (e.g.: program promotional materials, budget, syllabi, activity and excursion descriptions, health/safety assessments, student evaluations), considering the following criteria:
    • Are program learning objectives clearly identified and appropriate?
    • Do course syllabi and other materials advance learning objectives?
    • Do excursions and other program-required immersive activities advance learning objectives
    • Does the program advance the academic goals of study abroad to:
      • expose students to multiple, new and local sets of values, cultures, worldviews, and practices; 
      • help them experience first-hand and understand or research new places, environments and contexts;
      • and in so doing develop:
        • cross-cultural empathy, humility and agility;
        • the ability to work and collaborate across cultural and national boundaries;
        • cultural self-awareness and personal self-confidence; 
        • enhanced awareness of the empirical realities of local variation with regard to major global challenges and processes?
    • Are programs integrated into the student's overall academic experience (by satisfying degree or core ed requirements, by enhancing a student's overall program of study, and/or by developing skills that enhance career readiness)?
    • Does (real or anticipated) program cost create barriers to access when compared to other similarly situated programs? 
    • Any health and safety considerations? If so, the SAPC's concerns will be communicated to the International Travel Advisory Group (iTAG), the UO body charged with evaluating health, safety and risk for study abroad, in light of US State Department, Centers for Disease Control and other guidance. The iTAG meets quarterly and more often as needed and consists of representatives from Safety and Risk Services, the University Health Center, the Office of General Counsel and GEO.
  2. Use the review criteria above to classify programs as follows:
    • Green: No major concerns with regard to a-g above, next program review in 3-5 years (interval set by committee).
    • Yellow: Some concerns with regard to a-g above, next program review in 1-2 years (interval set by committee).
    • Red: Major concerns with regard to a-g above, program should be suspended for one year, revised to address concerns, and reviewed by committee before it runs again.
  3. Review new programs on a fast-track basis, using criteria (1) a-g above, with review by a subset of the committee or the committee chair working with the GEO director and DGE leadership.
  4. Follow the most recent standards for study abroad programs established by the Forum on Education Abroad (or equivalent national professional association), such as the Forum's Standards of Good Practice. The Committee works with GEO and Division of Global Engagement leadership to recommend broad institutional policies and goals for programs of study abroad and other opportunities abroad. 

Contact Us

Committee Type: Standing
Committee Category: Academic and Research
Selection Process: Appointed
Time Commitment: 20-40 hours per year


Academic Year 2024-2025

Seat: Voting Member
Term: -
Political Science

Seat: Voting Member
Term: -

Seat: Voting Member
Term: -
Department of Cinema Studies

Quick Facts on Committee Service

Study Abroad Programs Committee

Leadership Structure

  • Chair: elected from the committee membership
  • Convener: Director of Study Abroad Programs or their designee
  • Staff: provided by the Office of International Affairs and Study Abroad Programs

Election Schedule for Chair: The committee [council] shall elect a chair(s) from among its voting members at the first possible meeting of a new majority, usually at the first meeting of fall term. In situations where the chair from the prior year is still a member of the committee, that person remains the chair until a new chair is elected.

Membership Requirements

General Membership

Membership is not fixed, but must include faculty and students.

Generally includes:

  • 3 - 5 faculty
  • 1 - 2 students


Ex-Officio, voting members

  • Director of Global Education Oregon (UO Study Abroad Office)
  • Representative from the Office of the Registrar

Ex-Officio, non-voting members


Terms and Workload

Length of Term

  • Non-Students: 2 years
  • Students: 1 year
  • Ex Officio: indefinite

Term Limits

  • None

Workload Designation

  • For the Chair: approx. 25 - 30 hours/year (Tier 2)
  • For Committee Members: approx. 0 - 20 hours/year (Tier 3)

Frequency of meetings:

About once-a-term opening term workshops (approx 2 hours), led by GEO staff. 1 - 4 subsequent 1-2 hour meetings per term, as needed.