Call to Order
3:00 P.M.
- Land Acknowledgment; Senate President, Spike Gildea
- Intro Remarks; Senate President, Gildea
- ASUO updates; Maxwell Ely
Approval of the Minutes
UO President's Remarks
- University President, Mike Schill
New Business
- Discussion: UO Senate Bylaws revisions; Spike Gildea
- Discussion: UO Senate Committee Clean-Up; Dan Tichenor
- Updates: Textbook Affordability; Robin Clement (Business) and Rayne Vieger (UO Libraries)
Open Discussion
- The Problems of University Service
- What is Service?
- How do we count Service? (Metrics)
- Why do we need this?
- Where do we go from here?
Notice of Motion
- Create UO Senate task force on University Service
5:00 P.M.