Change of Membership for the Graduate Council

Date of Notice:
Current Status:


Scott Pratt; Joe Lowndes


Section I

1.1 WHEREAS, the Graduate Council has determined that it would facilitate the work of the committee to include a member of the Law School as part of the committee membership; and

1.2 WHEREAS, the current committee membership does not have a position specific to the Law School (but does include other professional schools and colleges); and

1.3 WHEREAS, the Graduate School has undergone recent changes in leadership titles;

Section II

2.1 BE IT HEREBY MOVED that the Graduate Council membership requirements be changed to read as follows:

"Membership of the Graduate Council is fixed at 14 voting members, consisting of 12 elected teaching faculty at the rank of assistant professor or above and 2 students plus the Associate Dean of the Graduate School (ex officio, non-voting) and the Dean of the Graduate School (ex officio, non-voting). Of the 12 teaching faculty, 6 shall be from College of Arts and Sciences representing the Humanities (2), the Social Sciences (2), and the Natural Sciences (2), but no two shall be from the same CAS department; 1 from each of the professional schools/colleges which include the School of Architecture and Allied Arts, the Lundquist College of Business, the College of Education, the School of Journalism and Communication, the School of Music and Dance, and the Law School. The elected faculty members of the Graduate Council shall come from departments that have graduate programs leading to a graduate degree and conducted under the jurisdiction of the Graduate School. Exceptions to this policy will be considered for members from the professional schools/colleges. One student must be from a graduate program leading to a master's degree and one must be from a graduate program leading to a doctoral degree. The Dean of the Graduate School shall be empowered to appoint other ex-officio, non-voting members to represent important constituencies of graduate students and faculty as needed.”

(Below follows a redlined version showing the changes from the currently approved membership. _UPDATE-redline moved into related documents)

"Membership of the Graduate Council is fixed at 14 voting members, consisting of 12 elected teaching faculty at the rank of assistant professor or above and 2 students plus the Associate Dean of the Graduate School (ex officio, non-voting) and the Dean of the Graduate School (ex officio, non-voting). Of the 12 teaching faculty, 6 shall be from College of Arts and Sciences representing the Humanities (2), the Social Sciences (2), and the Natural Sciences (2), but no two shall be from the same CAS department; 1 from each of the professional schools/colleges which include the School of Architecture and Allied Arts, the Lundquist College of Business, the College of Education, the School of Journalism and Communication, the School of Music and Dance, and the Law School. The elected faculty members of the Graduate Council shall come from departments that have graduate programs leading to a graduate degree and conducted under the jurisdiction of the Graduate School. Exceptions to this policy will be considered for members from the professional schools/colleges. One student must be from a graduate program leading to a master's degree and one must be from a graduate program leading to a doctoral degree. The Dean of the Graduate School shall be empowered to appoint other ex-officio, non-voting members to represent important constituencies of graduate students and faculty as needed.”

Financial Impact

Cost Neutral

Motion History

  • Notice Given

  • Approved