Committee on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

Date of Notice:
Current Status:


David R. Sullivan


Section I

1.1   WHEREAS, Sexual and gender-based violence and harassment at universities are part of a national problem and these problems are also present at the University of Oregon; and

1.2   WHEREAS the UO must take measures to address the problem of sexual and gender-based violence and the needs of survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, on and off our campus; and

1.3   WHEREAS University Senate legislation US13/14-52, "Task Force to Address Sexual Violence and Survivor Support," paragraph 2.5, directed the said task force to, "...propose a structure for a Standing Committee;" and

1.4   WHEREAS the said task force recommended in their final report to the University Senate, section 1.2, that "...the Senate enable the Task Force to continue [its] work by establishing a Standing Committee on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence...";

Section II:

2.1   BE IT HEREBY MOVED that a Committee on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence is formed:

    to address widespread problems of sexual and gender-based violence within our community;

    to address how sexual and gender-based violence intersects with other aspects of community members’ identities, including race, sexual orientation, social class, and ability;

    to help create and sustain data-driven approaches to sexual and gender-based violence;

    to ensure that prevention efforts are grounded in research and best practices;

    and to work to change the culture of our campus so that sexual and gender-based violence can be eradicated.

2.2   BE IT FURTHER MOVED that this committee is also particularly charged to work with the university administration to implement and maintain the recommendations of the Task Force to Address Sexual Violence and Survivor Support as contained in its reports for as long as the committee deems those recommendations to be cogent and the measures that they prescribe to be efficacious; and

2.3   BE IT FURTHER MOVED that Membership of the Committee on Sexual Violence and Survivor Support will consist of:

2.3.1   Nine elected faculty members- one each from the Women's and Gender Studies Department, the Ethnic Studies Department, the Psychology Department, the Sociology Department, and the Law School, and four faculty members elected at large;

2.3.2   at least five student members- the ASUO president or their designee, the president of the Panhellenic Council or her designee, the president of the Interfraternity Council or his designee, at least one undergraduate student appointed by the University Senate president, and at least one graduate student appointed by the University Senate president;

2.3.3   seven ex officio members- the president of the University Senate (non-voting), the Director of Crisis Intervention and Sexual Violence Support Services, the Associate Dean of Students, the Title IX Coordinator, the University Ombudsperson, the Senior Women's Administrator, and the Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards;

2.3.4   three other members appointed by the University Senate president, one from the Counseling and Testing Center, one from the Office of Equity and Inclusion, and one from the university classified staff;

2.3.5   and three members chosen by other campus organizations by whatever means they deem appropriate, one from the Center to End Sexual Violence, one from the UO Organization Against Sexual Assault, and one from the Officers of Administration Council; and 


2.4.1   All student positions shall have a term of one year.  All other elected or appointed positions shall have a term of two years, but the faculty members elected from the Ethnic Studies Department and the Sociology Department and two of the at-large faculty members, along with those members appointed from the Counseling and Testing Center and the classified staff and the member chosen by the UO Organization Against Sexual Assault shall serve an initial term of only one year, i.e., the 2015-16 academic year, so that the ensuing two-year terms will be staggered to ensure continuity. 

2.4.2   Those members of the Task Force to Address Sexual Violence and Survivor Support who qualify for one of the committee seats will automatically become members of this committee at the time of the committee's creation, i.e., when this motion is passed by the University Senate, occupying seats that correspond to their current status, until the regular round of elections and appointments at the end of the 2014-15 academic year. 

2.4.3   Any vacancies that occur before a term has expired shall be filled as interim appointments by the University Senate president in consultation with the leadership of the relevant unit or organization, as appropriate.  If any unit or organization is unable to provide a representative from within their unit or organization, e.g., due to other service obligations, the University Senate president shall, in consultation with the leadership of the unit or organization, appoint someone from outside the unit or organization to fill that position.

2.5   BE IT FURTHER MOVED that this committee shall report to the University Senate. At a minimum this report shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted by the committee chair to the Senate Executive Coordinator and the President of the Senate following summer session. The committee shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.  This committee shall be a standing University committee.  It shall be convened by the University Senate president and it shall elect its chair.

Motion History

  • Notice Given

  • Approved