Senate Executive Committee
Section I 1.1 WHEREAS, the transition to a new Board of Trustees for the University under the law popularly known as Senate Bill 270 of 2013 removed the State Board of Higher Education as a future source of policies for the University of Oregon; and 1.2 WHEREAS, a number of rules adopted by the State Board of Higher Education in the past (primarily known as “Oregon Administrative Rules 580-[various]” or herein as “580 rules”) involve academic matters as commonly understood in higher education, including Student records (contained within http://policies.uoregon.edu/sites/policies.uoregon.edu/files/uploads/OAR%20580%20-%20Division%2013.pdf); and 1.3 WHEREAS, the University of Oregon has its own rules (primarily known as “Oregon Administrative Rules 571-[various]” or herein as “571 rules”) (contained within http://policies.uoregon.edu/sites/policies.uoregon.edu/files/uploads/OAR%20571%20-%20Division%2020.pdf) and University of Oregon Policies (found in the University of Oregon Policy Library) (contained within http://policies.uoregon.edu/policy/by/1/05-students/student-records-policy) regarding Student Records; and 1.4 WHEREAS, the Senate Executive Committee has reviewed certain “580 rules” of the old State Board regarding Student Records and found their topics, issues, and protections adequately covered by substantially equivalent “571 rules” of the University; 1.5 WHEREAS, Section 170 (8) of Senate Bill 270 provides: (8) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the lawfully adopted rules and policies of the State Board of Higher Education pertaining to a university with a governing board that are in effect on the effective date of this 2013 Act continue in effect until lawfully superseded or repealed by the standards or policies of the governing board or the university [emphasis added]; and 1.6 WHEREAS, the President of the University of Oregon adopted all old “571 rules” as University policies on June 18, 2014 (see document signed by President Gottfredson, available at https://trustees.uoregon.edu/sites/trustees2.wc-sites.uoregon.edu/files/field/image/Adoption%20of%20Former%20Oregon%20Adminstrative%20Rules%20Chapter%20571%20As%20Policies%20of%20the%20University%20of%20Oregon%20-%20June%2018%2C%202014.pdf); and 1.7 WHEREAS, the Senate Executive Committee has taken a “Master List” of rules and policies, added a unique, easy-to-track identifying number to each one, and created a series of subject-matter tabs to help pull rules together under each tab (see Policies of Senate Interest Excel workbook), Section II 2.1 BE IT HEREBY MOVED that the following 9 “580 rules” (contained within http://policies.uoregon.edu/sites/policies.uoregon.edu/files/uploads/OAR%20580%20-%20Division%2013.pdf); are hereby repealed by the University of Oregon Senate (upon subsequent assent by the University President): 216 OAR 580-013-0005 Institutional Regulations (student records) 217 OAR 580-013-0010 Definitions (student records) 218 OAR 580-013-0015 Purpose of Student Records 220 OAR 580-013-0025 Locations and Custody of Student Records 221 OAR 580-013-0030 Release of and Access to Student Records 222 OAR 580-013-0035 Confidential Records -- Restrictions on Release 223 OAR 580-013-0036 Transfer of Education Records 225 OAR 580-013-0045 Availability of Student Records for Research Purposes 226 OAR 580-013-0050 Permanence, Duplication, and Disposal of Student Records 2.2 BE IT HEREBY MOVED that the following one “580 rule” (contained within http://policies.uoregon.edu/sites/policies.uoregon.edu/files/uploads/OAR%20580%20-%20Division%2013.pdf); inherited from the Oregon University System (State Board of Higher Education) be enacted as a regular University of Oregon Faculty Records policies and Record Retention policies: 224 OAR 580-013-0040 Petition by Student for Change in Personal Record 2.3 BE IT FURTHER MOVED that the following 16 “571 rules” (contained within http://policies.uoregon.edu/sites/policies.uoregon.edu/files/uploads/OAR%20571%20-%20Division%2020.pdf) have been reviewed by the Senate, have been found to be adequate, are hereby endorsed by the University Senate, and the President is requested to record this endorsement in an appropriate place in the Policy Library, both online and in other files: 83 OAR 571-020-0100 Introduction 84 OAR 571-020-0110 Definitions 85 OAR 571-020-0120 Location and Custody of Student Records 86 OAR 571-020-0130 Access to Education Records by a Student 87 OAR 571-020-0140 Fees for Copies of Education Records 88 OAR 571-020-0150 Limitations on Access to Education Records 89 OAR 571-020-0160 Disclosure of Directory Information 90 OAR 571-020-0170 When Prior Consent Is Required for the Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information from Education Records 91 OAR 571-020-0180 When Prior Consent Is Not Required for the Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information from Education Records 92 OAR 571-020-0190 Procedures for Seeking Amendment of Education Records 93 OAR 571-020-0200 Availability of Education Records for Research Purposes 94 OAR 571-020-0210 Records of the Department of Public Safety 95 OAR 571-020-0220 Limitations on the Re-disclosure of Information 96 OAR 571-020-0230 Recordkeeping Requirements 97 OAR 571-020-0240 Permanence, Duplication, and Disposal of Student Records 98 OAR 571-020-0250 Annual Notice
Financial Impact
Cost neutral, or positive due to reduced confusion.