Temporary Exemption of the Faculty Advisory Council from the Provisions of US13/14-19, "Open Committee Meetings"

Date of Notice:
Current Status:


Senate Executive Committee


Section I

1.1  WHEREAS the University Senate approved the legislation, "Open Committee Meetings," (US13/14-19) on March 23rd, 2014; and

1.2  WHEREAS said legislation mandates that, "...all meetings of the University Standing Committees, Senate Internal Committees, and Senate ad hoc committees shall be open."; and

1.3  WHEREAS  said legislation directs the Committee on Committees to "...formulate working groups in order to address concerns regarding the FAC (Faculty Advisory Council), the SBC (Senate Budget Committee), the FPC (Faculty Personnel Committee), and all other committees that consider confidential information, and then, develop relevant legislation (as needed)..."; and

1.4  WHEREAS the working group which was formed to address concerns regarding the FAC (Faculty Advisory Council) has found that there are differing and emerging ideas among various stakeholders regarding the role and function of the FAC in the past and regarding what role and function would best address the current and future institutional needs of the University; and

1.5  WHEREAS said working group believes that any determination as to whether and to what degree the FAC should be exempted from the Open Committee Meetings legislation cannot be made until the role and function of the FAC has been clarified; and

1.6 WHEREAS the Interim President of the University responded to US13/14-19 on November 19th, 2014, asking the Senate to provide more time for the Committee on Committees to address concerns regarding the FAC [see attachment 1]; and

1.7 WHEREAS, if this motion does not pass, the Faculty Advisory Council shall be subject to the provisions of US13/14-19 immediately;

Section II

2.1 BE IT HEREBY MOVED that the Faculty Advisory Council shall be exempt from the provisions of US13/14-19 until the beginning of the 2015/16 Academic Year.

Financial Impact

Cost Neutral

Motion History

  • Notice Given

  • Approved