UO Faculty to Nominate UO Faculty Trustee [SUSPENSION OF RULES, 03/11/15]

Date of Notice:
Current Status:


Bill Harbaugh


Section I

1.1 WHEREAS in 2013 the State of Oregon established the University Board of Trustees as the governing board of the University of Oregon[i]; and

1.2  WHEREAS section 6.1(c) of SB 270, which established the board, gives the Governor authority to appoint board members, subject to confirmation by the Oregon Senate, and states that “the governing board must include one person who is a member of the faculty of the university”[ii]; and

1.3 WHEREAS the law does not give the University President or Board of Directors any special role in making nominations to the Governor; and

1.4 WHEREAS the purpose of including a faculty member is to represent the views and interests of the faculty, not those of other bodies or persons; and

1.5 WHEREAS the interim President of the University and the President of the Board have made recommendations to the Governor without asking the opinion of faculty members; and

1.6 WHEREAS the term of the current Faculty Trustee expires on June 20, 2015;

Section II

2.1 BE IT THEREFORE MOVED that the UO Senate Nominating Committee shall solicit nominations for the position of Faculty Trustee; and

2.2 BE IT FURTHERMORE MOVED the current trustee, if eligible and willing, shall be automatically nominated; and

2.3 BE IT FURTHERMORE MOVED that nominees will be asked to provide a statement of no more than one page length and a copy of their c.v. and will be notified of the requirements for applying for a Governor appointed Board[iii]; and

2.4 BE IT FURTHERMORE MOVED that the Nominating Committee will verify nominees willingness to serve if appointed and confirmed by the Governor, post nomination materials on the Senate Website, and conduct an election by email or other appropriate means, with every statutory faculty member eligible to vote for up to two nominees; and

2.5 BE IT THEREFORE MOVED that the Senate President will then forward the names of the top two vote getters to the Governor, along with a third nomination voted by the members of the University Senate.

Financial Impact

Cost Neutral

Motion History

  • Notice Given

  • Approved