The UO Senate will decide on the addition or subtraction of intercollegiate athletics sports

Current Status:
Postponed Until


Bill Harbaugh


Section I: 

1.1 WHEREAS the UO Constitution gives Senate authority over academic matters;

1.2 AND WHEREAS decisions to add or drop new sports have consequences for student-athletes who are pursuing academic degrees with the support of scholarships or other financial aid that require both athletic participation and satisfactory academic performance; 

Section II:

2.1 BE IT THEREFORE MOVED that the Senate requests that the Athletic Director present a plan to the Senate showing how students participating in any new sport will be able to balance their athletic and academic responsibilities;

2.2 AND BE IT FUTHERMORE MOVED that the Senate requests that the Athletic Director present a plan to the Senate showing how students recruited to participate in any cancelled sport will be able to continue to pursue their academic degrees;

2.3 AND BE IT FINALLY MOVED that the Senate will decide, by a majority vote, to add or drop any sport for which students receive scholarships or other financial assistance, and that the Senate requires that the University and its Athletic Department abide by the Senate’s decision.

Financial Impact

Depends on the particular circumstances as described by the Athletic Department’s report to the Senate.

Motion History

  • Postponed Until