COIA Request for Member Senate Vote on Possible Presidential Commission

Date of Notice:
Current Status:


Senate Executive Committee


Section I

1.1 WHEREAS, the University of Oregon is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA); and

1.2 WHEREAS, the NCAA’s recent restructuring effort has failed to effectively address critical issues currently confronting intercollegiate athletics: significant lapses of academic integrity, grave threats to the financial stability of athletic programs, the alarming escalation of coaches’ salaries, the escalation of student fees and institutional general fund subsidies to support athletics, excessive athletics time demands that do not allow athletes to devote sufficient time to their academic studies, and ongoing concerns about the health and safety of college athletes, among others; effective reform of intercollegiate athletics is so complex and important to higher education that a blue ribbon commission of faculty, collegiate sports experts and members of Congress should be convened to objectively study these issues and propose solutions; and

1.3 WHEREAS, the academic integrity and reputation of our higher education institutions and the education, health and welfare of college athletes are too important to allow these questionable practices to continue.

Section 2

2.1 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the University Senate go on record in support of H.R. 275, a bi-partisan bill being considered by the 114th Congress, that would establish a blue-ribbon Presidential Commission “to identify and examine issues of national concern related to the conduct of intercollegiate athletics and to make recommendations for the resolution of such issues;” and

2.2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that individual faculty members consider contacting their respective Congressperson to ask that they co-sponsor the H.R. 275.

Current Co-Sponsors of the Bill include:

Bobby Rush (D-IL)

Joe Barton (R-TX)

Charlie Dent (R-PA)

Bobby Scott (D-VA)

Motion History

  • Notice Given

  • Approved