Section I
1.1 WHEREAS the University’s Summer Term calendar was determined by OUS; and
1.2 WHEREAS the University is no longer under the jurisdiction of OUS; and
1.3 WHEREAS the current University Summer Term calendar results in unequal short-term lengths of 4 weeks, 4 weeks, and 3 weeks; and
1.4 WHEREAS the current University Summer Term calendar’s two-day final exam period is rarely used by faculty who teach in summer and results in less instructional days in summer term;
Section II
2.1 THEREFORE BE IT MOVED that the following changes be made to the University Summer Term Calendar:
2.1.1 Formally do away with the two-day final exam period at the end of week 8 beginning summer term 2016; this returns two teaching days to the second four-week term and the first eight-week terms. Final exams may be given during the last class period.
2.1.2 Formally change to a 12-week summer term (with degree conferral and all end of term processes at the end of that 12 weeks) beginning summer term 2016.