Section I:
1.1 WHEREAS in 2013 the UO Senate passed legislation requiring that “all meetings of the University Standing Committees, Senate Internal Committees, and Senate ad hoc committees shall be open;” with certain exceptions including a temporary one for the Faculty Advisory Committee (http://senate.uoregon.edu/content/open-committee-meetings); and
1.2 WHEREAS in 2014 the UO Senate passed legislation for the appointment of an Ad Hoc Committee to re-evaluate this decision and the charge of the Faculty Advisory Committee and report to the Committee on Committees; (http://senate.uoregon.edu/content/ad-hoc-committee-investigate-role-and…); and
1.3 WHEREAS the Ad Hoc Committee has prepared a revised charge for the FAC, and the Committee on Committees has unanimously approved that charge (with one minor revision); and
1.4 WHEREAS the link to the current FAC charge and the full text of the revised FAC charge are appended below;
Section II:
2.1 BE IT THEREFORE MOVED that the Senate approves this revised charge for the FAC and exempts the FAC from the Open Meetings legislation.