Respecting the Differing Roles of the Senate and the Faculty Advisory Council

Date of Notice:
Current Status:


Frank Stahl


Section I

1.1   Whereas the UO Constitution provides the protocols by which the President and the Professors shall resolve any differences they may have regarding legislation and policies, and

1.2   Whereas the Constitution establishes the Senate as the location for such negotiations, and

1.3   Whereas the FAC, a board of presidential advisors, is a de facto branch of the president’s office, joint membership in the Senate and the FAC is likely to result in conflicts of interest;

Section II

2.1 THEREFORE BE IT MOVED that the Senate Legislation of April 10, 1996 that established the Senate President as an ex officio member of the FAC be repealed; and

2.2 BE IT MOVED that US05/06-8, which established the Vice President of the Senate as an ex officio member of the FAC be repealed; and

2.3 BE IT MOVED that, beginning with the academic year in which this legislation can be first enforced without disrupting the University's election procedures, no person shall be a member (elected or ex officio) of both the FAC and the Senate, nor shall any member of the senate attend any meeting(s) of the FAC unless all Senate and Faculty Assembly members have been notified by email that said meeting is open (N.B. This legislation prohibits the Senate President, Vice President and Immediate Past President, as well as all other Senators, from being members, either regular or ex officio, of the FAC); and

2.4 BE IT MOVED that the Committee on Committees prepare an amended charge for the FAC that reflects the changes instituted by this legislation. The amended charge shall be submitted to the next meeting of the Senate for approval.

Financial Impact

Cost Neutral

Motion History

  • Notice Given

  • Rejected