Policy Revision: Scheduling of Examinations

Policy Proposal
Date of Notice:
Current Status:


Senate Executive Committee


Section I

1.1 WHEREAS, there is some confusion among the faculty and students regarding the scheduling of mid-term examination outside of normally scheduled class time; and,

1.2 WHEREAS, some students have been unable to attend their regularly scheduled classes or other mid-term exams because of mid-term exams that are scheduled outside of normally scheduled class time; and,

1.3 WHEREAS, there is currently no policy in place to prevent such conflicts from occurring; and,

1.4 WHEREAS, the Undergraduate Council has developed the following policy to regulate the administration of mid-term exams that are scheduled outside of normally scheduled class time,

Section II

2.2 THEREFORE BE IT MOVED, the University Senate approves of the attached policy on Exams Outside of Normal Times.

Financial Impact


Motion History

  • Notice Given

  • Approved