Announcement and Confirmation of Spring 2016 Committee Appointments

Date of Notice:
Current Status:


Committee on Committees


Section I

1.1 WHEREAS, the Committee on Committees recently completed the annual senate and university committee appointment process;

Section II

2.1 BE IT THEREFORE MOVED, the Committee on Committees recommends that the Senate approve the following committee appointments for the 2015-2016 year

(Please note: only new appointments are listed below. For continuing appointments with unexpired terms, please visit individual committee pages):

Academic Requirements Committee

Alexander Polishchuk, Math

Anne Laskaya, English

Eren Cil, College of Business

Lillian Manis, Music

Campus Planning

Michael Koscho, Chemistry

Diana Libuda, Biology

Eric Beeler, EMU

Peter Keyes, Architecture

Shannon Sardell, Historic Preservation

Committee on Courses

Frances White, Anthropology

Mike Urbancic, Economics

Jana Prikryl, Biology

Committee on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

*Hybrid Committee: some positions are elected and some are appointed

Nicole Commissiong, Law

Distinguished Service Awards and Honorary Degrees

Andy Halvorsen, AEI

Angela Whalen, School Psychology

Claire Wachter, Music

Eleanor Vandergrift, Biology

Environmental Issues

Michael Tomcal, Accounting

Bob Choquette, PPPM

Shannon Anderson, SOJC

Alethea Steingisser, Geography

Jenn Crowder, University Housing

Peggy Schneider, Parking & Transportation

Faculty Research Awards

Gordon Sayre, English

Craig Parsons, Political Science

Hailin Wang, PhysicsBen Hansen, Economics

Weiyong He, Math

James Brau, Physics

Library Committee

Chris Eckerman, Classics

Larry Wayte, Music

Roberta Mann, Law

Michael Koscho, Chemistry

Robert Haskett, History

Nontenure-Track Faculty

Hailin Wang, Physics

Beth Harn, Special Education

Gordon Sayre, English

Michael Strain, CAMCOR

Yvonne Bradford, Biology

Ombuds Committee

John Ahlen, International Studies

Charles Dold, AEI

Nicholas Proudfoot, Math

Elizabeth Skowron, Counseling Psychology


Michael Kellman, Chemistry

Holly Arrow, Psychology

Michelle Wood, Biology

Scholarships Committee

Scott Fitzpatrick, Anthropology

Jadgeep Bala, Psychology

Melissa Baese-Berk, Linguistics

David Koranda, SOJC

Beth Harn, Special Education

Brad Garner, Dance

Hailin Wang, Physics

Victor Ostrik, Math

Scholastic Review Committee

Beth Harn, Special Education

Nicole Dahmen, SOJC

Spike Gildea, Linguistics

Victor Ostrik, Math

Sueanne Parker, AEI

Lori Robare, UO Libraries

Student Conduct & Community Standards

Brad Garner, Dance

Victoria Mitchell, UO Libraries

David Fowler, UO Libraries

Student-Faculty Committee on Grievances

Angela Dornbusch, AEI

Ellen Herman, History

Study Abroad Programs Committee

Analisa Taylor, Romance Languages

Michal Young, Computer & Information Science

Shabnam Ahktari, Math

Transparency Committee

Chris Sinclair, Math

Gina Psaki, Romance Languages

Scott Maier, SOJC

University Appeals Board

Kate Mondloch, Art History

Matthias Vogel, German

Lauretta De Renzo-Huter, Romance Languages

University Committee on Sexual Orientation, Attraction, Gender Identity and Expression

Carol Silverman, Anthropology

Debra Merskin, SOJC

Michael Quillin, Law

Turi Holte, Counseling & Testing Center

Zachary Benedict, AEI

William Hatchet, Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence

Motion History

  • Notice Given

  • Approved