Process for the Determination of Implemenation of Differential Tuition

Date of Notice:
Current Status:


Amy Schenk, ASUO President


Section 1.

Whereas historically similar approaches have been based on a desire to avoid putting undergraduate students in the position of making decisions about their major course of study based on the cost of tuition for coursework in that major, and

Whereas the Lundquist College of Business first proposed charging a differential tuition rate for its courses in 2016-17, but later withdrew its request in order to study the issue further, and

Whereas the University did not then develop a process for reconsidering its existing approach to differential tuition and no standards for evaluating specific differential tuition proposals were created, and

Whereas the Lundquist College of Business brought a reformulated differential tuition proposal to the Tuition and Fees Advisory Board for consideration in 2017-18, and

Whereas the Tuition and Fees Advisory Board could not reach agreement on LCB’s proposal and ended up making no recommendation to President Schill in support of or in opposition to this specific proposal, and

Whereas President Schill accepted LCB’s differential tuition proposal with some modifications and recommended that the UO Board of Trustees adopt it, and

Whereas at its March 2, 2018 meeting the UO Board of Trustees accepted President Schill’s recommendation and adopted a differential tuition rate for all undergraduate coursework taken in the Lundquist College of Business by an undergraduate student regardless of their major, school, or college, and

Whereas during the discussion at that Board meeting President Schill committed the administration to putting a plan and criteria for evaluating any additional differential tuition proposals in place before they are taken to the Board for consideration, therefore

Section 2.

Be it Resolved that the University Senate and the University administration will establish a task force to review the UO’s approach to undergraduate differential tuition. If the task force determines that the use of differential tuition may be appropriate, it will propose criteria for evaluating specific differential tuition proposals, and

Be it Further Resolved that this task force shall include 2 faculty members from CAS and 2faculty members from the professional schools and colleges, all selected by the University Senate President; 2 administrators involved with undergraduate education selected by the University President; and 3 undergraduate students selected by the ASUO. The faculty members must include at least one who is serving on the Academic Council and one who is serving on the Undergraduate Council. All task force members will be voting members, and

Be it Further Resolved that the task force shall produce a report and recommendations for the University President by November 15, 2018, and

Be it Finally Resolved that the University Senate requests departments, schools, and colleges will not put forward any differential tuition proposals and the Tuition and Fees Advisory Board, Tuition Advisory Council, and the university administration will not consider or recommend any such proposals until guidelines and/or policy is created regarding differential tuition.

Motion History

  • Notice Given

  • Approved