Non-UO Credit Professional Development Program Review Process

Date of Notice:
Current Status:


Academic Council


Section I

1.1  WHEREAS “Continuing and professional education is one important way the university connects with the community. Working in partnership with UO schools and colleges, selected vendors, and national credentialing associations, these programs serve the public by enabling learning outside of the traditional university setting and,”

1.2  WHEREAS The University of Oregon Senate has identified an immediate need for, “a review process for non-credit continuing and professional education programs that are offered through SSEM’s Continuing and Professional Education (CPE) division or other units,”

1.3  WHEREAS  The review process described here is focused on non-credit programs offered to non-matriculated participants and not already covered by traditional review processes in academic units. This process will:

  • resolve content (and/or audience) overlap between proposed non-credit program and existing or potential programs in academic units,
  • ensure program is of sufficient quality to be marketed and delivered as a UO program,
  • provide oversight of outside vendors involved in the design or delivery of the program, and
  • provide timely feedback to proposing unit.

Section II

2.1 THEREFORE IT BE MOVED on the recommendation of the Academic Council that the review process for Non-credit professional development programs be approved. (please see the related documents for the full review process specifics). 

Motion History

  • Notice Given

  • Approved