Student Registration Holds policy

Policy Proposal
Date of Notice:
Current Status:


Alison Schmitke (College of Education, UO Senate VP)


Section I

1.1  WHEREAS the University of Oregon utilizes administrative holds to support student success and protect the institution's interests by enforcing policy; and

1.2  WHEREAS registration holds prevent course enrollment and should only be used when other options are not available, and the prevention of future enrollment is a reasonable consequence; 

Section II

2.1  THEREFORE BE IT MOVED that the University Senate approves the Policy on Holds on Student Registration as outlined in the related document.

2.2  BE IT ALSO MOVED that the University Senate encourages the Office of the Provost to take the steps necessary to create and convene a Registration Holds Governance Committee as outlined in the related document.

Motion History

  • Notice Given

  • Approved