Leadership Structure
- Chair: elected from the voting committee membership
- Convener: committee chair
- Staff: provided by the President's Office
Election Schedule for chair: annually at one of the two final Council meetings in Spring quarter.
Membership Requirements
General Membership
Membership is fixed and consists of:
- 4 CAS TTF faculty (1 each from Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and At-Large)
- 4 TTF faculty from the Professional Schools and Colleges
- 1 Career faculty from CAS
- 1 Career faculty from Professional Schools & Colleges
- 1 Career faculty from UO Libraries
- 2 Officers of Administration
No two elected persons from the same CAS department, nor from the same professional school or college, nor from the same administrative unit shall serve at the same time.
No person shall serve simultaneously on the Faculty Advisory Council and the Faculty Personnel Committee.
The following administrators shall be ineligible to serve as elected representatives on this committee: the President, the Provost, vice presidents, vice provosts, associate or assistant vice provosts, associate or assistant vice presidents, deans, associate deans or their equivalent. Elected FAC members promoted to interim administrative positions during a term of service will be eligible to complete their academic year of service on the FAC.
Persons nominated to serve on the FAC must be members of the voting statutory faculty and on campus during their term of office If a member takes a leave of more than one month, the Committee on Committees will replace the member with another permanent representative.
Ex-Officio, voting members
- UO Senate President
- UO Senate Vice President
Ex-Officio, non-voting members
- University President
- University Provost
- Vice Provosts
Terms and Workload
Length of Term
- Non-Students: 2 years, from June to June
- Students: N/A
- Ex Officio: indefinitely
Term Limits
- For the Chair: 1 year, from June to June
- For Elected Committee Members: 2 consecutive terms (with the expectation that members will normally only serve one term)
- Ex Officio: none
Workload Designation
- For the Chair: typically 150 - 210 hours/year (Tier 1++)
- For Committee Members: 60 - 80 hours/year (Tier 1)
Meets weekly during Fall, Winter and Spring terms.