Senate Budget Committee

Our Charge and Responsibilities

Defined by UO Senate Bylaws:

Section 5.4: The Senate Budget Committee reports to and acts at the direction of the Senate. It is charged with informing the Senate and advising the University President and administration about university financial matters, including budgetary policies and decisions, and long-term financial strategies. In fulfilling its charge, the Senate Budget Committee shall review budget reports submitted to the UO Board of Trustees and obtain pertinent data from the university administration. The University Administration shall provide all financial information requested by the Senate Budget Committee (SBC) in a timely fashion.

The Senate Budget Committee may initiate the study of financial issues and make recommendations to the Senate for Senate action.

The Senate Budget Committee may establish working subcommittees.

Contact Us

Committee Type: Internal
Committee Category: Governance
Selection Process: Appointed and Elected
Time Commitment: 0-20 hours per year


Academic Year 2023-2024

Seat: Voting Member
Term: -
Lundquist College of Business

Seat: Member from Senate Constituencies, Voting Member
Term: -
Lundquist College of Business

Seat: Senate President, Voting Member
Term: -
Ex Officio

Quick Facts on Committee Service

Senate Budget Committee

Leadership Structure

  • Chair: Chair is also convener. The Senate Budget Committee shall choose its own chair from its membership.
  • Convener: Chair
  • Staff: N/A

Election Schedule for the Chair: chair elected at first meeting of the academic year.

Membership Requirements

General Membership

  • Shall consist of eight (8) members from the Senate constituencies.
    • At least five (5) shall be tenured faculty members.
    • Four (4) members shall be elected by the Senate from among its regular voting members, three (3) of whom shall be tenured faculty members.
    • Four (4) members shall be appointed by the Senate President after consultation with the Senate Executive Committee.
    • The Senate President should consider skills and balanced representation from Senate constituencies when making these appointments.

Appointments, nominations and elections may be done electronically and shall ensure that new SBC members are in place at least 2 weeks before the Fall term starts, and that the composition of the SBC meets the above requirements. New appointments or elections shall occur if a position becomes vacant.

Ex-Officio, voting members

  • Senate President, during their term in office.

Ex-Officio, non-voting members

  • University President or designee
  • University Provost or designee


Terms and Workload

Length of Term

  • Non-Students: 3 years
  • Students: 1 year, reappointment possible
  • Ex Officio: N/A

Term Limits

  • For the Chair: none
  • For committee members: none
  • Ex Officio: none

Workload Designation
