University Committee on Sexual Orientation Attraction Gender Identity and Expression 2021-2022 Members

Constituency Seat Department Name Term Selection Process
Faculty Voting Member UO Libraries Gabriele Hayden, - Appointed
Tenure Track Faculty Voting Member Anthropology Gyoung-Ah Lee, - Appointed
Tenure Track Faculty Voting Member Philosophy Department Alejandro Vallega, - Appointed
Career Faculty Voting Member Center for Translational Neuroscience Sylas Wilson, - Appointed
Career Faculty Voting Member English Department Jenee Wilde, - Appointed
Undergraduate Voting Member Vacant - Appointed
Graduate Voting Member Vacant - Appointed
Classified Voting Member Vacant - Appointed
Classified Voting Member Graduate School Lesley Yates-Pollard, - Appointed
Officer of Administration Voting Member Registrar's Office Julia Pomerenk, - Appointed
Officer of Administration Voting Member Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Rituparna Roy, - Appointed
Ex Officio Student from OUTLaws, Voting Member Vacant -
Ex Officio Rep from UOPD, Non-Voting Member Vacant -
Ex Officio Rep from Academic Advising, Non-Voting Member Vacant -
Ex Officio Rep from Human Resources, Non-Voting Member Vacant -
Ex Officio Rep from University Housing, Non-Voting Member University Housing SJ Wilhelm, -
Ex Officio Rep from Campus Planning & Facilities Management, Non-Voting Member Vacant -
Ex Officio Rep from LGBTESS, Non-Voting Member Vacant -
Ex Officio Rep from the Division of Equity & Inclusion, Non-Voting Member Vacant -
Ex Officio Student from ASUO, Voting Member Undergraduate Student Heather Barclay, -
Ex Officio Student from LGBTQA3, Voting Member Vacant -