Call to Order
- Land Acknowledgment; Ann Shaffer
- Intro Remarks: Senate President Dan Tichenor
- ASUO Updates: Heather Barclay
Approval of the Minutes
UO President's Remarks
- Interim President Patrick Philips
New Business
- Vote: US22/23-09: Approval of Curriculum Report, Summer 2022 & Fall 2022; Frances White (Chair of UOCC)
- Intro: US22/23-07: New Program Proposal - Popular Music; Toby Koenigsberg
- Intro: US22/23-08: New Graduate Microcredential; Aaron Gullickson (Grad Council), Jered Nagel (Division of Graduate Studies)
- Updates - Data Science initiative; Lauren Ponisio, Daniel Lowd
- UO Library Elsevier contract; Dave Fowler
- Commencement; Dan Tichenor
- 5:00 P.M.