June 5, 2024 Senate Meeting Agenda

Call to Order

  • Land Acknowledgement; UO President Karl Scholz
  • Intro Remarks; UO Senate President Gerard Sandoval
  • ASUO updates; Taliek Lopez-Duboff

Approval of the Minutes

UO President's Remarks

  • UO President Karl Scholz

New Business

  • Vote: US23/24-14: Approval of Curriculum Report, Spring 2024; Frances White (Chair of UOCC)
  • Election of new Senate Vice President for AY 2024-2025
    • Candidates:
      • Pedro Garcia-Caro, Romance Languages
      • Dyana Mason, College of Design
  • Senate Awards
    • Classified Staff Leadership Award: Tina Haynes, Career Center
      • Introduction by Jon Ambrose, Career Center
    • UO Senate Award for Shared Governance, Transparency, and Trust:
      • Krista Chronister, Division of Graduate Studies
        • Introduction by Kaito Campos de Novais, Anthropology
      • Alicia Salaz, UO Libraries
        • Introduction by Evey Lennon, UO Libraries
    • Leadership and Service Award for Officers of Administration: Rosa Chavez-Jacuinde, Division of Equity & Inclusion
      • Introduction by Norma Trefren, Division of Equity & Inclusion
    • Wayne T. Westling Award: Jagdeep Bala, Psychology
      • Introduction by Frances White, Anthropology

Other Business

  • Passing of the gavel to new Senate President Alison Schmitke

***Immediately followed by small reception to honor Senate awardees - same location


  • 5:00 P.M.