Call to Order
- Intro Remarks; Senate President Alison Schmitke
- ASUO updates; Taliek Lopez-Duboff
Approval of the Minutes
- January 15, 2025
UO President's Remarks
- University President Karl Scholz
New Business
- Discussion: US24/25-11: Revisions to the Distinguished Teaching Awards Committee; Dyana Mason (Senate VP, Chair of the Committee on Oversight and Shared Governance)
- Discussion: US24/25-10: Revisions to the Faculty Advisory Council; Dyana Mason (Senate VP, Chair of the Committee on Oversight and Shared Governance)
- Discussion: US25/25-12: Statement of Solidary and Support; Alison Schmitke (Senate President, College of Education), Dyana Mason (Senate VP, College of Design), Raoul Lievanos (Sociology, Senator)
- UO and Federal Advocacy; Betsy Boyd (Sr. Associate VP, Federal Affairs)
- Supporting Campus; Yvette Alex-Assensoh (VP, Equity & Inclusion)
- Legal Landscape; Kevin Reed (VP and General Counsel)
- Spotlight: Intl education and Immigration; Dennis Galvan (VP, Global Engagement)
Notice of Motion
- 4:50 P.M.
- 5:00 P.M.