Repeal of Obsolete OUS Academic Policies

Policy Proposal
Date of Notice:
Current Status:


Senate Curriculum Matters Policy Workgroup, Senate Executive Committee


Section I

1.1 WHEREAS, the transition to the Board of Trustees for the University under the law popularly known as Senate Bill 270 (2013) removed the State Board of Higher Education as a governing body of the University of Oregon; and

1.2 WHEREAS, as a result, the following policies adopted by the State Board of Higher Education: OUS 52 Tuition Policy; OUS 12 Centers and Institutes in OUS; OUS 50 Sustainability; OUS 19 Curricular Policies & Procedures, and OUS 6 Admissions Policies & Requirements, are no longer required or applicable; and

1.3 WHEREAS, the Senate Curriculum Policy Working Group reviewed OUS policies 12, 50, 19, and 6 and recommends their repeal; and

1.4 WHEREAS, the Senate Executive Committee reviewed each of these policies and also recommends their repeal,

Section II

2.2  THEREFORE, the University Senate approves of the repeal of the following policies:


    OUS 52 Tuition Policy

    OUS 12 Centers and Institutes in OUS

    OUS 50 Sustainability

    OUS 19 Curricular Policies & Procedures

    OUS 6 Admissions Policies & Requirements

Motion History

  • Notice Given

  • Approved