Modification to UO Senate Bylaws (section 6.2) - Academic Council membership

Date of Notice:
Current Status:


Alison Schmitke (College of Education, UO Senate VP)


Section I

1.1  Whereas the Academic Council plays a crucial role in the shared governance of the University of Oregon; and

1.2  Whereas members of the Senate have not felt that they have had sufficient representation on Academic Council; and

1.3  Whereas as an advisory body to the Senate, it is crucial that the Academic Council is represented by members of the UO Senate; and

1.4 Whereas giving Senate leadership voting rights and the ability to appoint an additional Senator to the Council will ensure that the Council is acting in concert with the Senate.

Section II

2.1 Therefore section 6.2 is modified to say, “ The Senate President and Senate Vice President shall be ex-officio voting members”; and (please see related document)

2.2 Therefore section 6.2 is also modified to say, “The Senate President shall appoint one elected Senator, who is also a member of the Statutory Faculty, to be a voting member of the Academic Council for a one-year term. This appointment shall be made ahead of the first meeting of the Academic Council each academic year.” (please see related document)

Motion History

  • Notice Given

  • Approved