University Senate
CAS - Natural Sciences: 4 openings
1. Edward Davis, Earth Sciences
2. Huaxin Lin, Math
3. Kathryn Mills, Psychology
4. Micah Warren, Math
5. Melynda Casement, Psychology - Candidate Statement
6. Tanya Gupta, Chemistry & Biochemsity - Candidate Statement
7. Jana Prikryl, Biology -
8. Weiyong He, Math
9. Chris Phillips, Math
CAS - Social Sciences: 4 openings
1. Erica Bornstein, Anthropology - Candidate Statement
2. Craig Kauffman, Political Science
3. Ryan Light, Sociology
4. Raoul Lievanos, Sociology, IRES - Candidate Statement
5. Peter Walker, Geography - Candidate Statement
6. Jane Cramer, Political Science
7. Jiabin Wu, Economics - Candidate Statement
CAS - Humanities: 2 openings
1. Jason Brown, Creative Writing - Candidate Statement
2. Harinder Khalsa, Romance Languages
3. Pedro Garcia-Caro, Romance Languages - Candidate Statement
College of Design: 1 opening
1. Dyana Mason, PPPM
College of Education: 2 openings
1. Beth Harn, SPECS -
2. David Cosottile, SPECS - Candidate Statement
3. Lisa Mazzei, Ed Studies - Candidate Statement
School of Law: 1 opening
1. TBD
School of Music & Dance: 2 openings
1. Jack Boss, Music - Candidate Statement
2. Andiel Brown, SOMD
3. Kim Wonkak, Music
Clark Honors College: 1 opening
1. Barbara Mossberg
Other Academic Units: 1 opening
1. Elly Vandegrift, Global Education Oregon
Career Non-Tenure Track Research Faculty: 1 opening
1. Emily Beck, Data Science
2. Jennifer Davison, Institute of Molecular Biology
3. Jon Krier, Museum of Natural and Cultural History - Candidate Statement
4. Karen Wiedenfeld Needham, Human Physiology - Candidate Statement
5. Stephen Golledge, CAMCOR
6. Rolf Skyberg, ION/Biology
Librarians: 1 opening
1. Kathleen Stroud - Candidate Statement
Officers of Administration: 1 opening
1. Sarah Blanchard, Student Life
2. Jim Bouse, Office of the Resgistrar
3. Connie Brady, College of Business
4. Adrian Cruz, Transportation Services
5. Liane Davis, College of Education
6. Taryn Ferrando, Law School
7. Brandi Fleck, Internal Audit
8. Barbi Goosens, Law School
9. Jimmy Howard, Division of Student Life
10. Angela Jimenez, Office of the Provost
11. Spencer Johnson, HR Operations
12. Sheila Keen, Shared Svs - Econ, Poli Sci, Soc, GSS
13. Norma Kehdi, Accessible Education Center - Candidate Statement
14. Katy Krieger, Office of the Provost - Candidate Statement
15. Abigail Leeder, Office of the Dean of Students - Candidate Statement
16. Angela Long, University Health Services - Candidate Statement
17. Lara Nesselroad, UO Libraries
18. Collette Niland, College of Business - Candidate Statement
19. Holly Roberts, School of Music and Dance
20. Sarah Schram, University Health Services
21. JD Van Alstyne, College of Business
22. Tamarra White, Erb Memorial Union
23. Christina Wozniak, OVPRI - Candidate Statement
Classified Staff: 1 opening
1. Alex Brown, Information Services
2. Jeffrey Davis, Psychology
3. Piper Fahrney, Campus Planning & Facilities Management
4. Meredith Kary, University Health Services
5. Hayden Kolodziejski, Academic Affairs - Law School
6. Megan Miller, Advancement
7. Mohamed Mounir, College of Arts & Sciences - Candidate Statement
8. Jake Ryan Beck, UESS-TCCA - Candidate Statement
9. Karyn Schultz, Division of Student Life - Candidate Statement
10. Seth Sponcey, Environmental Health & Safety
11. Dustin Whitaker, University Communications
Committee on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Faculty: 3 openings
1. Jarron Zinser, Communication Disorders
2 Kevin Dicus, Classics
3. Andiel Brown, School of Music & Dance - Candidate Statement
4. Wendy Gillespie, Prevention Science Institute
5. Karen Wiedenfeld Needham, Human Physiology
6. Mikhail Myagkov, Political Science
Core Education Council
Professional Schools and College: 2 Faculty (no two from same school or college)
1. Joyce Cheng, College of Design - Hist Art & Arch
2. Erik Ford, College of Business
3. George Harrison, College of Education
Faculty Advisory Council
Professional Schools & Colleges: 3 faculty (no two from same school or college)
1. Eleonora Redaelli, College of Design
2. Merle Weiner, Law School - Candidate Statement
3. Adell Amos, Law School
CAS - Social Sciences: 1 opening
1. Erica Bornstein, Anthropology - Candidate Statement
2. Kathleen Mullen, Economics - Candidate Statement
3. Mikhail Myagkov, Political Science
4. Lawrence Sugiyama, Anthropology
5. Peter Walker, Geography
6. Bruce McGough, Economics
7. Craig Parsons, Political Science
8. Dan Tichenor, Political Science
CAS - Natural Sciences: 1 opening (not from Psychology)
1. Eric Corwin, Physics
2. Raghuveer Parthasarathy, Physics - Candidate Statement
Officers of Administration: 1 opening
1. Jim Bouse, Office of the Registrar - Candidate Statement
2. Stacy Williams-Wright, College of Design - Candidate Statement
3. Cheryl Ernst, American English Institute
Career - Libraries: 1 opening
1. Joe Williams, UO Libraries
Faculty Grievance Appeals Committee (FGAC)
Faculty: 3 openings
1. Mai-Lin Cheng, English
2. Huaxin Lin, Math
3. Merle Weiner, Law School - Candidate Statement
4. Paula Ellister, Romance Languages
5. Mikhail Myagkov, Political Science
6. Sara Schmitt, SPECS
Faculty Personnel Committee (FPC)
Tenured Faculty:
Law School: 1 opening
Adell Amos, Law School
School of Journalism & Communication: 1 opening
1. TBD
School of Music & Dance: 1 opening
1. Kim Wonkak, SOMD
College of Education: 1 opening
1. TBD
College of Design: 1 opening
1. TBD
College of Business: 1 opening
1. Youchang Wu, College of Business - Candidate Statement
CAS - Social Sciences: 1 opening
1. Bruce McGough, Economics
2. Mikhail Myagkov, Political Science
3. Lawrence Sugiyama, Anthropology
CAS - Natural Sciences: 1 opening
1. Steven Van Enk, Physics
2. Robert Lipshitz, Math - Candidate Statement
Graduate Council
Law School: 1 opening
1. TBD
School of Journalism & Communication: 1 opening
1. Gabriela Martinez, SOJC
College of Education: 1 opening
1. Beth Harn, SPECS - Candidate Statement
College of Design: 1 opening
1. Maile Hutterer, PPPM - Candidate Statement
CAS - Natural Sciences: 2 openings
1. Huaxin Lin, Math
2. Steven Van Enk, Physics
3. Kathryn Mills, Psychology
4. Ben McMorran, Physics
CAS - Humanities: 1 opening
1. Jason Brown, Creative Writing - Candidate Statement
Promotion-Tenure-Retention-Appeals Committee (PTRAC)
Tenured, CAS - At-Large: 1 opening
1. Ellen Herman, History
2. Huaxin Lin, Math
3. Hailin Wang, Physics
Undergraduate Council
Law School: 1 opening
1. TBD
Honors College: 1 opening
1. Mai-Lin Cheng
College of Design: 1 opening
1. Joyce Cheng, Hist Art & Arch
2. Eleonora Redaelli, PPPM
CAS - Social Sciences: 1 opening
1. Lawrence Sugiyama, Anthropology
CAS - At-Large: 1 opening
1. Kevin Dicus, Classics
2. Tanya Gupta, Chemistry & Biochemistry
3. Eleanor Wakefield, English & Composition - Candidate Statement
4. David Levin, Math
5. Paula Ellister, Romance Languages
Officers of Administration Council
OAs - 2 openings
1. Michelle Brown, Information Services - Candidate Statement
2. Adrian Cruz, Transportation Services
3. Liane Davis, College of Education - Candidate Statement
4. Brandi Fleck, Internal Audit
5. Sarah Goldman, SSEM
6. Laurel Hamers, Communications
7. Angela Jimenez, Office of the Provost
8. Chael Johnson, University Health Services
9. Katy Krieger, Office of the Provost - Candidate Statement
10. Marcus Langford, Office of the Dean of Students
11. Angela Long, University Health Services - Candidate Statement
12. Steve McKenzie, Housing/Dining Services
13. Lara Nesselroad, UO Libraries
14. Tash O'Brien, College of Design - PPPM
15. Maryam Peigahi, Prevention Science Institute
16. Tonya Perkins, Law School
17. Matt Phillips, Information Services
18. Holly Roberts, School of Music & Dance
19. Damon Rutherford, CPFM - D&C - Candidate Statement
20. Rick Schaufler, College of Design
21. Megan Schneider, Erb Memorial Union
22. Sarah Schram, University Health Services
23. JD Van Alstyne, College of Business
24. Tamarra White, Erb Memorial Union - Candidate Statement
25. Stephanie Womack, OVPRI - Candidate Statement
Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory Committee
Teaching Faculty - 3 openings
1. Chris Phillips, Math
2. Maile Hutterer, College of Design - Hist Art & Arch - Candidate Statement
3. Eric Corwin, Physics
4. Mikhail Myagkov, Political Science
5. Micah Warren, Math
6. Yoav Dubinsky, College of Business -
7. Deborah Bauer, College of Business - Candidate Statement
8. Jon Runyeon, Human Physiology
9. Michael Tomcal, College of Business - Candidate Statement
10. Paula Ellister, Romance Languages
11. Katherine Bromley, CHD
12. Dave Fowler, UO Libraries
Classified Staff - 1 opening
1. Sallevador Friedman, Housing/Dining Services
2. Molly Maxwell, Student Orientation Programs
3. Jake Ryan Beck, UESS-TCAA - Candidate Statement
4. Megan Miller, University Advancement
5. Mohamed Mounir, College of Arts and Sciences - Candidate Statement