2024 Vacancies & Candidate Statements

University Senate

CAS - Natural Sciences faculty: 4 openings

  1. Eric Corwin, Physics
  2. Chris Phillips, Math
  3. Daniel Duger, Math
  4. Weiyong He, Math
  5. Anthony Hornof, Computer & Information Science - Candidate Statement
  6. Edward Davis, Earth Sciences

CAS - Social Sciences faculty: 1 openings

  1. Erin Beck, Political Science

CAS - Humanities faculty: 4 openings

  1. Rachel DiNitto, East Asian Languages & Literature
  2. Steven Brence, Philosophy
  3. David Chamberlain, Classics
  4. Miriam Chorley-Schulz, German
  5. Bassem Hosny, Judaic Studies
  6. Stephen Rust, English
  7. Matthias Vogel, German & Scandinavian Stds
  8. Erin McKenna, Philosophy
  9. Jon Jaramillo, Romance Languages - Candidate Statement
  10. Alejandro Vallega, Philosophy

College of Business faculty: 3 openings

  1. Yasamin Vahdati, Operation & Business
  2. Michael Tomcal, Business - Candidate Statement
  3. Joel Sneed, Business
  4. Mindy Schindler, Business - Candidate Statement
  5. Ali Emami, Business
  6. Yoav Dubinsky, Business

College of Education faculty: 2 openings

  1. Gina Biancarosa, Education
  2. Michelle Jacob, Education Studies
  3. Beth Harn, Education

College of Design faculty: 3 openings

  1. Bob Choquette, PPPM
  2. Chiara Gasparini, History of Art & Architecture
  3. John Arndt, Product Design

School of Law faculty: 1 opening

  1. Andrew Winden, Law
  2. Michael Loch, Law

School of Journalism & Communication faculty: 2 openings

  1. Attila Schillinger, SOJC
  2. Daniel Miller, SOJC

Librarians faculty: 1 opening

1. Brian Lym, UO Libraries

2. Franny Gaede, UO Libraries - Candidate Statement

3. Adam Anderson, UO Libraries

4. Katherine Donaldson, UO Libraries

Career NTTF Officer of Research - 1 opening

  1. Mark Currey, CRESKO Lab
  2. Mark Hammond, Human Development
  3. Fnu Ismail, Materials Sciences Institute

Officers of Administration: 2 openings

  1. Fatma Ali, Student Life
  2. Jon Ambrose, Career Center
  3. Tracy Bars, DEI - Candidate Statement
  4. Madison Beine, Student Success & Enrollment Management - Candidate Statement
  5. Carissa Calihan, College of Arts & Sciences
  6. Dianna Carrizales-Engelmann, College of Education
  7. Melissa Chambon, Communications
  8. Jasmyne Channel, University Housing
  9. Ellen Coughran, CAS Business Office
  10. Adrian Cruz, Ballmer Institute
  11. Liane Davis, UESS - Candidate Statement 
  12. Alisha Faciene, Law School
  13. Lara Fernandez, SAIL Program
  14. Mike Glover Moresi, Information Services
  15. Michael Gwynn, Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center
  16. Laurel Hamers, Communications - Candidate Statement
  17. John Johnson, UO Police Department
  18. Spencer Johnson, HR Operations
  19. Josh Kashinsky, Transportation Services
  20. Norma Kehdi, Accessible Education Center
  21. Colleen Kimball, Advancement
  22. Marcus Langford, Office of the Dean of Students
  23. Jennie Leander, Office of the Provost
  24. Thor Mikesell, Music, Dance, Oregon Bach Festival
  25. Nick Noyes, College of Design
  26. Savannah Olsen, Student Life - Candidate Statement
  27. Francisco Ontiveros Olivar, Athletics
  28. Michael Peixoto, Services for Student Athletes
  29. Chantelle Russell, Physical Education & Recreation
  30. Vivian Schmolke, UOAA - Candidate Statement 
  31. Sarah Schram, University Health Services
  32. Hira Shamsuddin, EMU - Outdoor Program
  33. Denita Strietelmeier, Office of the Provost
  34. Thuy Tran, Communications
  35. Stephanie Womack, OVPRI - Candidate Statement

Classified Staff: 2 openings

  1. Kersey Bars, Safety & Risk Services - Candidate Statement
  2. Jay Butler, Business Affairs - Candidate Statement
  3. Chris Tweeter, UO Libraries - Candidate Statement
  4. Jen Daeges, CAS - ASU 7 
  5. Jeffrey Davis, Psychology
  6. Anthony Delsanter, CAS - ASU 4 - Candidate Statement
  7. Donald Dixon, Information Services
  8. Piper Fahrney, CPFM
  9. Karli Farrimond, CAS - ASU 6 - Candidate Statement
  10. Jen Flynn, CAS - ASU 4
  11. Wendy Gillespie, Biology
  12. Michael Hill, Custodial Services
  13. Ben Hinde, ANTH, ENVS, GEOG - Candidate Statement
  14. Anna Hindley, CAS - ASU 3 - Candidate Statement
  15. Kevin Inouye, CAS - ASU 4
  16. Sierra Jager, CAS - ASU 4
  17. Justin Spence, Digital Library Services
  18. Kristin Koch, EMU
  19. Ryan Leonard, Information Services 
  20. Regina Martinez Perez, College of Arts & Sciences
  21. Christy McElroy, LERC
  22. Kary Meredith, University Health Services
  23. Emily Moore, UO Libraries
  24. Cameron Mulder, UO Libraries - Candidate Statement
  25. Daniel O'Neil, ECON, SOC, Poli Sci
  26. Karyn Schultz, Student Life - Candidate Statement
  27. Nick Sloss, CPFM
  28. Seth Sponcey, Environmental Health & Safety
  29. Michael Thorne, CAS - ASU 7
  30. Jadd Tryon, Office of the Dean of Students - Candidate Statement
  31. Carolyn Williams, Career Center

Faculty Advisory Council

Professional Schools and Colleges faculty: 2 TTF openings (not from Law, College of Design)

  1. Conor Henderson, Business
  2. TBD

CAS - Humanities faculty: 1 TTF opening

  1. Erin McKenna, Philosophy
  2. Michael Najjar, Theatre Arts
  3. Alejandro Vallega, Philosophy
  4. Dorothee Ostmeier, German & Scandinavian Studies - Candidate Statement
  5. Barbara Muraca, Philosophy - Candidate Statement

CAS - At-Large faculty: 2 TTF opening

  1. Anne van den Nouweland, Economics
  2. Erin McKenna, Philosophy
  3. Peter Walker, Geography
  4. Weiyong He, Math
  5. Qusheng Jin, Earth Sciences
  6. Gyoung-Ah Lee, Anthropology - Candidate Statement 
  7. Peng Lu, Math

Librarians: 1 Career faculty opening

  1. Ann Shaffer, UO Libraries

Officers of Administration: 1 opening

  1. Jon Ambrose, Career Center
  2. Jeffrey Bulkley, University Testing Center
  3. Carissa Callihan, College of Arts & Sciences
  4. Liane Davis, UESS - Candidate Statement
  5. Eric Alexander, EMU
  6. Monica Guy, CAS - ASU 7
  7. Jennie Leander, Services for Student Athletes
  8. Sara Mason, Lundquist College of Business - Candidate Statement
  9. Thor Mikesell, Music, Dance, Oregon Bach Festival
  10. Francisco Ontiveros Olivar, Athletics
  11. Michael Peixoto, Services for Student Athletes
  12. Vivian Schmolke, UOAA - Candidate Statement
  13. Hira Shamsuddin, EMU - Outdoor Program
  14. Benjamin Shirtcliff, Landscape Architecture
  15. Celena Simpson, UESS - Pathway Oregon
  16. Denita Strietelmeier, Office of the Provost

Core Education Council

Professional Schools & Colleges faculty: 2 openings

  1. Michael Loch, Law
  2. Andrew Winden, Law
  3. Tim Pack, SOMD - Candidate Statement
  4. Josh Skov, Business

CAS - Social Sciences faculty: 1 opening

  1. TBD

CAS - Natural Sciences faculty: 1 opening

  1. Jagdeep Bala, Psychology

CAS - Humanities faculty: 1 opening

  1. Steven Brence, Philosophy
  2. David Chamberlain, Classics
  3. Dorothee Ostmeier, German & Scandinavian Studies

Undergraduate Council

College of Education faculty: 1 opening

  1. TBD

College of Design faculty: 1 opening

  1. Chiara Gasparini, History of Art & Architecture
  2. Nicole Ngo, PPPM

College of Business faculty: 1 opening

  1. Mindy Schindler, Management - Candidate Statement
  2. Ralph Heidl, Management & Organization
  3. Ben Yang, Operation & Business

CAS - Natural Sciences faculty: 1 opening

  1. Jagdeep Bala, Psychology

CAS - Humanities faculty: 2 openings

  1. Steven Brence, Philosophy
  2. David Chamberlain, Classics
  3. Eleanor Wakefield, English & Composition
  4. Rachel DiNitto, East Asian Languages & Literature

CAS - At-Large faculty: 3 openings

  1. Steven Brence, Philosophy
  2. David Chamberlain, Classics
  3. Eleanor Wakefield, English & Composition
  4. Rachel DiNitto, East Asian Languages & Literature

Graduate Council 

School of Music and Dance faculty: 2 openings

  1. Brian Hsu, SOMD
  2. Jesus Ramos-Kittrell, SOMD
  3. Jason Silveira, SOMD

College of Business faculty : 1 opening 

  1. Ben Yang, Operation & Business
  2. Laura Wellman, Business

CAS - Social Sciences faculty: 2 openings

  1. Josh Snodgrass, Anthropology
  2. TBD

Faculty Personnel Committee

School of Music and Dance: 2 tenured faculty

  1. Brian Hsu, SOMD
  2. Lydia Van Dreel, SOMD

College of Education: 1 tenured faculty

  1. Wendy Machalicek, Spec Ed & Clinical Sci - Candidate Statement

College of Design: 1 tenured faculty

  1. Chiara Gasparini, History of Art & Architecture
  2. Kris Seaman, History of Art & Architecture - Candidate Statement
  3. Erin Moore, Architecture
  4. Rebecca Lewis, PPPM

College of Business: 1 tenured faculty

  1. TBD

CAS - Social Sciences: 2 tenured faculty

  1. Anne van den Nouweland, Economics
  2. Craig Parsons, Political Science

CAS - Humanities: 1 tenured faculty

  1. TBD

Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory Committee

Faculty: 2 openings

  1. Eric Corwin, Physics
  2. Andrew Winden, Law School
  3. David Chamberlain, Classics
  4. Conor Henderson, Business
  5. Peng Lu, Math
  6. Tom Lininger, Law School - Candidate Statement 
  7. Charles Butler, SOJC
  8. Hayden Harker, Math
  9. Mindy Schindler, Business - Candidate Statement
  10. Paul Swangard, SOJC
  11. Quinn Miller, English
  12. Courtney Cox, Indigenous, Race & Ethnic Studies
  13. Josh Snodgrass, Anthropology
  14. Chris Phillips, Math

Officers of Administration Council

Officers of Administration: 4 openings

  1. Fatma Ali, Student Life
  2. Jon Ambrose, Career Center
  3. DJ Andrews, EMU
  4. Laurel Bastian, Teaching Engagement Program
  5. Madison Beine, UESS - Candidate Statement
  6. Anna Berger, Accessible Education Center
  7. Celeste Blythe, University Housing
  8. Teresa Bonomini, Human Resources
  9. Melisa Bowers, College of Arts & Sciences - Candidate Statement
  10. Sharece Bunn, Student Services & Enrollment Management
  11. Carissa Callihan, College of Arts & Sciences
  12. Melissa Chambon, Communications
  13. Jasmyne Channel, University Housing
  14. Ann Craig, Museum of Natural & Cultural History
  15. Adrian Cruz, Ballmer Institute
  16. Liane Davis, UESS - Candidate Statement
  17. Eric Alexander, EMU
  18. Alisa Faciene, Law School
  19. Jody Ferguson, College of Education
  20. Lara Fernandez, SAIL Program
  21. Mike Glover Moresi, Information Services
  22. Rachael Godlove, SOJC
  23. Kathi Graue, Communications
  24. Michael Gwynn, Tutoring & Academic Engagement 
  25. Laurel Hamers, Communications - Candidate Statement
  26. William Hamilton, UESS
  27. JeaLinda Patton, CAS - ASU 7
  28. Sarah Jordan, Oregon Bach Festival
  29. Julia Cohalan, Office of General Counsel
  30. Josh Kashinsky, Transportation Services
  31. Colleen Kimball, Advancement
  32. Molly Maxwell, Student Orientation Programs
  33. Steve McKenzie, University Housing
  34. Megan Banks, Sustainable Cities Institute
  35. Haunani Nagel, University Housing
  36. Nick Noyes, College of Design
  37. Savannah Olsen, Student Life - Candidate Statement
  38. Angie Peatow, SSEM
  39. Elvie Pelayo, Accessible Education Center
  40. Catherine Perez, Biology
  41. Matt Phillips, Information Services
  42. Julia Polk, CMAE
  43. Damon Rutherford, CPFM
  44. Jennifer Salzman, EMU
  45. Vivian Schmolke, UOAA - Candidate Statement
  46. Noemi Sepe, Clark Honors College
  47. Hira Shamsuddin, EMU - Outdoor Program
  48. Aaron Vaughan Frost University Health Services
  49. Stephanie Womack, OVPRI - Candidate Statement