Call to Order
- Land Acknowledgement; Robin Clement
- Intro Remarks; Senate President Dan Tichenor
- ASUO Updates; Heather Barclay
Approval of the Minutes
UO President's Remarks
- Interim Provost Janet Woodruff-Borden
New Business
- Intro: US22/23-17: Non-UO Credit Professional Development Program Review Process; Frances White
- Intro: US22/23-18: Revision to Bylaws of the UO Senate to Facilitate Continued Online Participation; Gina Biancarosa
- Intro: US22/23-19: Revision to Bylaws of the UO Senate to Clarify the Role of the Senate Vice President; Gina Biancarosa
Open Discussion
- Chat GPT; Lee Rumbarger, Jason Schreiner
- Retention of Faculty of Color; Gerard Sandoval, Charlotte Moats-Gallagher
- 5:00 P.M.