Call to Order
- Intro Remarks; Senate President Alison Schmitke
- Lobby Day in Salem, Oregon; Joe Erickson
- ASUO Updates; Taliek Lopez-Duboff
Approval of the Minutes
UO President's Remarks
- University Provost Chris Long
New Business
- Vote: US24/25-18: Approval of Curriculum Report, Winter 2025; Christian Cherry (Co-Chair of UOCC, School of Music & Dance), Matthew Norton (Co-Chair of UOCC, Sociology)
- Non-credit program
- Changing name of NW Indian Language Institute to NW Indigenous Language Institute
- Vote: US24/25-13: Change in Deadline for Student to Change Grade Option; Jagdeep Bala (Co-Chair of Undergraduate Council), Leslie McLees (Co-Chair of Undergraduate Council)
- Vote: US24/25-14: Revisions to the Senate Budget Committee; Dyana Mason (Chair of Committee on Oversight and Shared Governance, Senate VP)
- Vote: US24/25-15: Revisions to the Library Committee; Dyana Mason (Chair of Committee on Oversight and Shared Governance, Senate VP)
- Vote: US24/25-16: Revisions to the Faculty Personnel Committee; Dyana Mason (Chair of Committee on Oversight and Shared Governance, Senate VP)
- Office of Vice President for Research and Innovation - updates on research fund changes/implications; AR Razdan and OVPRI staff
Notice of Motion
- 4:50 P.M.
- 5:00 P.M.