
The following Motions are in various stages of consideration by The University of Oregon Senate. Learn more about Senate Motions and the role they play in University governance.

About Motions


Number Sort ascending Title Type Current Status Details
US17/18-11 Consent Calendar: Animal Use in Research and Instruction Legislation Approved
US17/18-10 Consent Calendar: Faculty Merit Increase Factors Policy Proposal Approved
US17/18-09 Consent Calendar: Academic Calendar Policy Proposal Approved
US17/18-08 Creation of Core Ed Council Legislation Approved
US17/18-07 Proposed Changes in Transfer Articulation from Community Colleges Legislation Approved
US17/18-06 Resolution Denouncing White Supremacy & Hate Speech on Campus Resolution Approved
US17/18-05 Approval of Curriculum Report, Fall 2017 Legislation Approved
US17/18-04 UO Senate Adoption of Consent Calendar Legislation Approved
US17/18-03 Confirmation of Committee on Committees Members Legislation Approved
US17/18-02 Resolution to Support the UO Student Collective Resolution Approved