The following Motions are in various stages of consideration by The University of Oregon Senate. Learn more about Senate Motions and the role they play in University governance.
Number Sort ascending | Title | Type | Current Status | Details |
US16/17-29 | Approval of Curriculum Report, Spring 2017 | Legislation | Approved | |
US16/17-28 | Create a Teaching Evaluation Task Force | Resolution | Approved | |
US16/17-27 | Department Status for the Cinema Studies Program | Legislation | Approved | |
US16/17-26 | Proposed Change to Admissions Policies Requiring Disclosure of Criminal and Disciplinary Hearing | Legislation | Notice Given | |
US16/17-25 | Renaming & Reorganization of AAA into College of Design | Resolution | Approved | |
US16/17-24 | Email Spam Filters | Resolution | Notice Given | |
US16/17-23 | Committee Term Limit Omnibus | Legislation | Approved | |
US16/17-22 | Proposal to Eliminate the Y Grade | Legislation | Approved | |
US16/17-21 | Change to Article 3.11 Modification of the Senate Bylaws | Legislation | Approved | |
US16/17-20 | Major Declaration Policy | Legislation | Approved |