Call to Order
- Intro Remarks; Senate President Alison Schmitke
- ASUO Updates; Taliek Lopez-Duboff
Approval of the Minutes
UO President's Remarks
- Provost Chris Long
New Business
- Vote: US24/25-02: New Program Proposal - Historic Preservation; Rich Margerum (College of Design)
- Vote: US24/25-03: New Program Proposal - School Psychology; Angie Whalen (College of Education - School Psychology), Billie Jo Rodriguez (College or Education - Special Education & Clinical Services)
- Vote: US24/25-04: Amend UO Senate Bylaws for Submission of Curriculum Reports; Alison Schmitke (Senate President, College of Education), Dyana Mason (Senate Vice President, College of Design)
- Discussion: US24/25-07: New Program Proposal - Materials Science and Technology; Jayson Paulose (Physics)
- Discussion: US24/25-05: Revision to Charge and Membership of Scholastic Review Committee; Dyana Mason (Senate Vice President, Chair of Committee on Oversight and Shared Governance)
- Discussion: US24/25-06: Revision of Charge of Committee on Oversight and Shared Governance; Dyana Mason (Senate Vice President, Chair of Committee on Oversight and Shared Governance)
- Ballmer Institute; Kate McLaughlin
- Task Force on Ethical Investing, Purchasing, and Contracting; Senate Vice President Dyana Mason
- Big 10 Academic Alliance; Sandy Weintraub
Notice of Motion
- 4:50 P.M.
- 5:00 P.M.