
The following Motions are in various stages of consideration by The University of Oregon Senate. Learn more about Senate Motions and the role they play in University governance.

About Motions


Number Sort ascending Title Type Current Status Details
US21/22-19 New Program Proposal - Masters in Immersive Media Communication Legislation Approved
US21/22-18 Clarifying Revisions to Bylaws of the University of Oregon Senate Legislation Approved
US21/22-17 Revisions to UO Committee on Courses Legislation Approved
US21/22-16 Minor Revisions to Bylaws of the University of Oregon Senate Legislation Approved
US21/22-15 Revisions to the Undergraduate Council Legislation Approved
US21/22-14 Revision to Study Abroad Programs Committee Legislation Notice Given
US21/22-13 Approval of Curriculum Report, Winter 2022 Legislation Approved
US21/22-12 Updates to Graduate Council charge Legislation Approved
US21/22-11 Professor Emerit Title for Retired Faculty Resolution Approved
US21/22-10 Disband the ROTC Committee Legislation Approved